Door Painting 101

Door Painting 101

One of the surefire ways to increase your home’s curb appeal is to get a new door. Still another way to do this is to personalize your door and making it really pop against the backdrop of your entire business or home. You can do this by painting exterior doors that have not become too damaged by time and the elements. (If your door has been damaged by either time of the elements it is better to simply replace them with one of our residential or commercial doors.) Here are some tips that will help you stylize your doors with paint, a brush and a little time and effort.

  • Remove the door and all of the hardware: Never attempt to paint the door while it is still on the hinges. This will make your job much more difficult and will likely create a mess which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. If the door is old and the hardware rusted you may need to take your time and use a chisel to help you pry it loose. You will also need a flathead screwdriver. Finally, make sure that you have a temporary replacement to cover the aperture that will be created once you remove your old door.
  • Sand and prime the door: Old doors are bound to contain imperfections that will come through even when they are repainted. This being the case, you will want to prepare the surface of your old door by sanding it. Finally, use a small vacuum cleaning to remove sawdust particles.
  • Use design software: Use a design app to help you get a sense of how your door and entire home will look after applying the color(s) to your door. There are many software programs online that are free or relatively inexpensive.
  • Apply paint and primer in a dust-free area: So that no particles ruin the surface of your door, sand and prime it in a dust-free environment. Apply the primer first to both sides and let it dry completely before moving on to the next step.
  • Begin applying paint: Once the primer has dried you are ready to begin painting the door. Start applying the paint from top to bottom using wide brush strokes for the corner. Let each side dry before moving on and make sure that you add at least two coats to the door.door painting
  • Let it dry and reattach the door: Make sure the door is completely dry and does not feel sticky before reattaching it to your business or home.

So you see painting an old door is not that difficult. Just remember to take your time, wear protective equipment (a face mask for example), and before you know it you will have a door that really makes your front entrance pop. If your door needs to be replaced entirely remember that we sell restaurant doors for the interior and exterior of your business.